"A Pet Or Not" is a wonderful book by Alvin and Virginia Silverstein and Laura Silverstein Nunn. This book looks at unusual and exotic animals and whether or not they would make good pets. The thing that I love about this book is the way the authors present the information. For each animal, there is a picture, a fast facts chart, basic history of the animal and bizarre facts. I would use this book as an example of how to present the facts about a specific animal in a way that the reader can just skim the fast facts charts or read the paragraphs for more in depth information.
Next, I would show the students an episode of "Dogs 101" and "Cats 101" from the Animal Planet cable channel. They do a great job of giving basic information about several breeds including an informational chart after each animal is presented.
I would have my students each choose one specific breed or type of animal, such as a leopard gecko or an Alaskan malamute dog. Then allow them to spend two days at the school library to research for specific facts about their animal. We would have already discussed and written up the information that they need for their "facts" chart such as possible medical problems, grooming needs, type of house, good with children or not, and so on. They would also need to write one or two paragraphs with additional information such at the history of the breed or animal.
- Choose specific animal.
- Research and gather information about your animal.
- Organize into "facts" chart and paragraph information.
- Copy a picture of the animal.
- Design and create a power point layout for your information.
Ohio writing applications benchmark D: Produce informational essay or report with clear main idea supported by facts, detail, examples and explanations.
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